Friday, July 27, 2012

Naomi, Ruth or Orpah?

In the time of tragedy are you Naomi, Ruth or Orpah? They all lost their husbands as I did. I went to a conference tonight and heard Kelly Minter who spoke on the book of Ruth. She asked us this question. Naomi went back to Bethelem to seek God's blessing and favor. Orpah ran from God to her other Gods and Ruth ran with abandonment to God himself. I am Ruth as I am running,seeking and searching after him. Being in his presence is where I want to be knowing I am in his will. His word is what I crave and to hear him speak is my desire. Teach me more about you precious, Jesus!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Red Sea

It has been one of those days. It is a hard, emotional, I can't take much more kind of days. I can't just heal my heart after losing Pat because he left me a window business to run. This girl designs floral arrangements and was a webmaster and a graphic geek. God has a sense of humor if you ask me. What is he doing and what is he thinking?

I stopped mid afternoon today and texted my prayer warriors. My cry is that I am stressed out and overwhelmed. It is hard not to have a pitty party. Awe but I got wise counsel . "Paige" he said, "you are just like the Israelites in the wilderness and the Egyptians are chasing you. You have been following the black cloud by day. You have been listening to his voice (although they were able to hear Him audibly) and you have trusted in his Mana that he provides everyday. It it has been rough out there, but you are determined to get to the promised land. You are running to the Red Sea and you see it in the distance, but it is still there full of water."

Hmm, he is right. God never failed them and his plan will not fail me now. I told him that I thought Satan was winning today, but he assured me that I am winning because I haven't quit. Nope! I have not. There is nothing in me that is telling me to.

It was a pep talk I needed so tonight I'm going to keep running.